Chicken pox is a children' s disese, however it is very unlikely that a child who has not yet had his/ her birthday develop chicken pox. While in the womb, the fetus will receive antibodies from his/ her mother to protect him/ her against the virus that causes chicken pox. This is the reason why, at least in his/ her first year of life, chicken pox will not develop. However, there have been cases of chicken pox even in children under one year old, but they are extremely rare. Furthermore, if babies under one will develop chicken pox, this will be a very mild condition.
At the age of one, babies will receive a vaccine against chicken pox. This vaccine will not prevent your child from ever getting chicken pox, but it will make the disease a lot milder. If your baby will get chicken pox, red, tiny, itchy bumps will be your first clue. In a couple of day' s time, there bumps will change into blisters filled with fluid, which will eventually dry and fall off. As the chicken pox progresses, new waves of blisters will appear on your child' s body. The areas that are affected by chicken pox are mostly the face, back and abdomen, but the rash may appear all over his/ her body as well. Some babies will have more than three hundred blisters on his/ her body, whereas other will only have a few. Chicken pox cases can be different from a baby to another. Furthermore, flu symptoms are some of the first signs that your baby may develop chicken pox.
When your baby has chicken pox, he/ she will be very tired and have a little fever. It is also possible that a runny nose or a cough may appear a couple of days before the chicken pox rash appears. This disease lasts about one week.
Chicken pox is very contagious, so if your baby has been near a person that suffered from this disease, then he/ she is likely to have been infected with the chicken pox virus. If your baby is healthy, then chicken pox does not pose any threats whatsoever. However, there are cases, very rare though, when babies can develop complications from chicken pox. Skin infections, encephalitis or pneumonia may be the result of chicken pox. This is the reason why you should see a doctor as soon as the first signs of chicken pox appear.
For more information about symptoms of chicken pox or even about chicken pox virus please review this page
Video Source: Youtube
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