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Friday, July 19, 2013
Mother�s Day Gift Ideas For Your Mom
It’s the single hardest job in the world. There is no formal education for it. It has no monetary value. Availability must be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is also the most important job anyone has ever had. It will give you the greatest joy and the deepest sorrows your heart has ever felt. It will touch tomorrow in a way no other job can. Think you can handle it? The job is motherhood.
We all have a mother. With our lives as busy as they are we can forget to tell our mom how great she is. Luckily, one day a year is reserved as a special tribute to our teacher, our biggest fan and maybe even our best friend. So is there a gift special enough for that special lady? What could you possibly send her to convey your appreciation for her years of kissing boo-boos, finding lost shoes and letting you live through your teen years?
For the answer, let’s look at your mom. What are the other loves of her life? When she’s not completely engrossed in you, what does she like to do? Is it reading, gardening, art, or shopping? The answer to the perfect gift lies within her.
Does her perfect day involve digging through dirt and talking to insects? If she loves to garden a gardening basket will be a sure hit. It celebrates the coming spring as well as her years of selfless dedication. How about a basket filled with seed packets, gardening gloves, a garden tool or two and some sweet treats. She’ll think about you with every newly opened bloom.
Does your mom have a sweet tooth? Is she the one with a secret stash of her favorite chocolates? A basket stuffed with all the sweet favorites she craves should make her smile. If you really want to spoil her you can give her some of those gourmet chocolates she's always dropping hints about. Add some tissue paper for filling and a nice bow to make it pretty and she'll be completely impressed.
Every mom enjoys a night out of the kitchen. What's her favorite restaurant? A gift certificate or even better, a date for dinner with you is sure to be a special gift. If your mom is more of a homebody, surprise her with take out from that restaurant. Either way her cravings are satisfied, the kitchen stays clean, and she gets to spend time with you.
The gift of relaxation is one that every mom deserves. Make it easy for her to find peace with a nice spa basket. Fill it with luxurious bath beads, bath salt, a real sponge and a big fluffy towel. Add some candles and a CD of mood music and relaxation is hers.
To some tea is an art. If that describes your mom's feelings about tea, give her a gift she’ll love. Make her a tea basket. Gather some of her favorites; add a special teacup and a maybe a sentimental book dedicated to motherhood. The soothing scents and flavors will give her a moment of bliss in a busy day.
If you want to get your mom the best gift of all you don't have to search far. Most moms just want to be with their kids. Spend some time with her on this special day. Make your gift to her a day spent with you. Have lunch, take in a movie, go shopping or something else she likes to do. Give her your time. It's the most precious gift any of us has to give.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Re: My 2 month old son hates tummy time. Is it okay to slightly elevate him with a boppy?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The Importance of Bonding, and Touch; Advice for First-Time Parents
After surviving 9 months of pregnancy, a wardrobe of maternity clothes, baby showers, and decorating the nursery with care, you have gone through the exciting, heroic experiences of labor and delivery. You are ready to leave the hospital to begin your new life as first-time parents!
Handling the First-Time Parent Jitters
For many first-time parents, bringing a baby home from the hospital is an exciting experience mixed with apprehension. Silent questions such as "How will I know ," "How will I cope ," and "But, what if " mingle with exuberant joy as you look down at the precious bundle sleeping in your arms. You've got the first-time parent jitters!
Not to worry! Siblings and friends with children, parents, and in-laws have been waiting for this moment, too. They will offer expert advice on feeding, diapering, and proper baby care. Books galore are also available, written by baby doctors and psychologists offering guidance on parenting, and the latest in child development research.
When it comes to reading material, be prudent about book selection. And, don't be afraid to set down boundaries on visiting times for over-eager friends and relatives. While you can learn proper baby care from the expertise of others, you and your spouse also need time alone with your baby, to bond.
Bonding with Baby
More frequently than not, bonding with baby will include touch. This is important, because it is through touch your baby will come to know you.
Cradling your baby in your lap, and gently stroking him or her is the most basic form of bonding between baby and parent. Nestling the newborn at your neck is another bonding-touch that provides baby with a sense of security. Support the baby's head and neck with one hand, and his or her bottom with the other.
Forget the old wives' tale that holding a baby too much will spoil the child. Yes, it is true a baby should not be picked up each and every time they cry. As long as they have been adequately fed, are clean and dry, warm and comfortable, a baby does need to learn there are times when they should rest, or entertain themselves.
However, quiet moments alone with baby without distractions are necessary to form the emotional connection between parent and child, essential to a healthy attachment. An important bonding process noted by pediatricians in the late 1970s. This process has been proved vital for both parent and child.
Parents who form this type attachment with their newborn make better parents. They are better equipped and more willing to make the necessary sacrifices to care for their child; during infancy as well as through childhood.
Newborns provided the benefit of gentle contact and tender touch by parents feel loved and secure. This sense of well-being impacts both their emotional growth and physical development.
The Importance of Touch
The importance of touch - gentle, loving contact when holding your baby, cannot be emphasized enough. Rough handing and harsh jostling, especially with a newborn, can not only frighten your baby, but be life-threatening, as well.
Always be careful to support your newborn's head and neck when you pick them up, or lay them down. If you need to wake up your newborn, don't startle them by jostling or shaking them. Instead, gently tickle their feet, softly blow on their cheek, or tenderly rub the side of their head while speaking softly and saying their name.
Relish time with your baby. Gently cradle him or her in your arms, and tenderly rub his or her back using slow, wide circles. Or, caress your baby soothingly as you rock them.
Talk in a low, comforting tone, or quietly sing to them. When eye contact is made smile, even if you aren't sure whether or not their eyesight has developed enough yet to see clearly.
At Savvy Baby we care about you and your child! That is why we offer the very best in baby-related items, as well as child development tools, and articles of interest for parents of young children. Visit today.
While it is true the importance of proper baby care (bathing, adequate nutrition, a safe, clean environment, play and nap time, and comfortable, warm clothing) cannot be over emphasized, neither can the healthy-bonding process between parent and child and the importance of touch.
Both vital ingredients that say, "You are loved!"
Lori S. Anton
Savvy Baby Gear editor
Lori S. Anton has been a published writer for nearly 30 years. She is founder and editor of Writers Write Now, offering original professionally written SEO custom content, quick content, and free content for web sites. Visit Writers Write Now.
Lori is also editor for the Savvy Baby Gear web site at, your one-stop shop for everything today's parents of infants need: clothes, educational and fun toys and activities, care and safety products, clothing, nursery supplies, and educational aids for mom and dad. Visit Savvy Baby Gear - essentials for happy babies and parents.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Pregnancy Pillows Uses for Expecting or New Mothers
Mothers often turn to a pregnancy pillow during maternity when they begin to have trouble sleeping or resting. And everyone knows that getting the proper amount of rest during pregnancy is vitally important to the health of both baby and mom. But unfortunately leg cramps, back pain and other related aches and pains can keep expecting mothers awake at all hours of the night.
Pregnancy pillows can help ease many of these symptoms by alleviating the tension and stress caused by lying down while pregnant. The extra support for your knees and back help create a more natural sleeping posture and make resting much easier.
Pregnancy Pillows Can Also Double as a Nursing Pillow
If you are like most people and seeking extra value in today’s economy look for a pillow that will let you use your pregnancy pillow for other activities with your newborn such as breast or bottle feeding or can even serve as a safe spot for tummy time with older babies.
* Pregnancy Sleeping Pillow: Sleeping on your side is often a preferred sleep position because it takes the pressure off of a pregnant mother’s abdomen. However this side position can create stress on the hips and knees a problem fully fixed by a pregnancy pillow. Look for a good maternity pillow that has an oversized or v-shape design that makes it perfect for tucking between your knees and sleeping on your side.
* Nursing Pillow: A good nursing pillow will have an oversized design to help take tension off of the back, neck and shoulders and provide a safe platform for your infant. Other innovative features to keep an eye out for:
- Rounded design to alleviate pressure on the abdomen
- Breathable fabric to prevent seating or overheating
- Large oval overstuffed and v-shaped design
* Tummy time for baby: As babies grow and develop it is important to give them a safe environment to strengthen their muscles and learn to move about. A multi-use pregnancy pillow makes a great safe spot for babies to crawl about or climb. And as your baby grows and learns to sit this can provide a perfect spot for learning to sit.
Look for Pregnancy Pillow Designs That Are Versatile and Fun!
Find a pregnancy pillow that best suits your taste and, if you can find one in a store, feel the fabric to make sure it is soft yet won’t make you sweat. And don’t settle for anything boring either! With so many designs and styles out there find something fun that you won’t be embarrassed to leave lying around the family room when company comes over!
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Discharge and bleeding in pregnancy
Being pregnant causes a lot of changes in your body. Many of these changes are due to increases in your hormone levels. Most pregnant women know about changes like swelling, mood swings, and cravings, but there are other changes that come along with pregnancy that are not commonly discussed.
One of the changes that can occur in a pregnant woman is an increase in vaginal discharge. Having vaginal discharge during pregnancy is completely normal so if it is a symptom you notice don’t get upset. There are several different things that can cause vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman just as there are different causes of discharge in women who are not expecting. Some of the reasons include infection, hormones, non-infectious irritation, or cervical erosion. There is always yeast present inside of your body, but a yeast infection occurs when the balance of the yeast is affected by hormones, such as during pregnancy.
If the discharge you are experiencing has a foul smell, causes itching or burning, or is blood stained then you may have an infection. If you suspect that your vaginal discharge is caused by an infection then you need to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. If your discharge is caused by an infection there is a good chance that it is either caused by Candidiasis, also known as thrush or a common yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis.
Candidiasis, or yeast infection, is generally characterized by a cottage cheese like consistency and may be whitish or whitish gray in color. The odor from a Candidiasis infection often smells yeasty like baking bread or beer. Your doctor may be able to determine if you have a yeast infection by a visual examination or they may perform a swab test. Because you are pregnant you need to see a doctor about any potential infection, but there are some home remedies reported to be safe even during pregnancy. Eating yogurt can help to restore the natural balance of yeast inside of your body, and garlic has also been used to treat yeast infections. Depending on the severity of your yeast infection your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or cream to treat it. Do not use over the counter treatments for a yeast infection without consulting your doctor first.
Bacterial vaginosis is another common infection that is seen during pregnancy. The discharge from bacterial vaginosis has a watery consistency and a strong fishy odor. Bacterial vaginosis can cause premature labor so it does need to be treated. Treatment for bacterial vaginosis is usually a round of antibiotics. There are other infections that can cause vaginal discharges in an array of colors and smells and many of the causes of those are sexually transmitted diseases.
Hormones are another cause of vaginal discharge. The discharge from an increase in hormones is often clear or may have a slightly whitish color to it. Vaginal discharge related to an increase in hormones is normally mild smelling and will not be an irritant to the skin in the genital area.
There are several non-infective irritations that can also cause vaginal discharge in pregnant women. These can include wearing a wet bathing suit for too long, sweating, a reaction to feminine products like odor reducing sprays, a reaction to laundry detergent or fabric softener, or sexual activity. The irritation cause by these can be relieved by keeping the vaginal area clean and dry, and by wearing cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes.
Cervical erosion or a thinning of the cervix can also cause a vaginal discharge in pregnant women. This typically occurs as a woman is nearing labor and her cervix begins to thin. This can cause a mucus like discharge that may be lightly pink. The mucus plug is a concentration of mucous at the mouth of the uterus that protects the growing baby from infection. As the time for delivery nears some women will lose their mucus plug. This may involve the passing of quite a lot of mucus discharge from the vagina. The mucus plug can be brownish yellow or light pink, and the release of it is sometimes known as the "bloody show". The loss of the mucus plug means that labor will begin soon, but it could still be several hours or days before the cervix dilates completely.
Another pregnancy symptom that some women aren't aware of is bleeding during pregnancy. You may experience some bleeding during your pregnancy and some of it is quite normal. Other bleeding can be a sign that something is wrong, and all bleeding needs to be reported to your doctor or mid wife.
Another pregnancy symptom that some women aren't aware of is bleeding during pregnancy. You may experience some bleeding during your pregnancy and some of it is quite normal. Other bleeding can be a sign that something is wrong, and all bleeding needs to be reported to your doctor or mid wife.
During early pregnancy some women experience some light bleeding called implantation bleeding when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. Bleeding during early pregnancy can also be a sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and the bleeding can be dark brown, bright red, or light pink. An ectopic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg becomes implanted outside the womb, most commonly in the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies are extremely dangerous and are not viable pregnancies.
Bleeding that occurs during the later stages of pregnancy can also be a sign that something is wrong. Two common cause of bleeding in late pregnancy are placenta previa and placental abruption. Placenta previa happens when the placenta fully or partially covers the opening of the cervix. If you are diagnosed with placenta previa you may spend some time on bed rest and your delivery may be by caesarean section. Placental abruption is when the placenta comes away from the uterine wall prematurely. Women who are diagnosed with placental abruption may be placed on hospitalized bed rest or they may require an emergency C-section. Any woman who experiences bleeding in the later stages of pregnancy needs to get to a hospital immediately.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Tired Of Trying To Be The Perfect Parent?
This article is a valuable resource for moms who are seeking to increase their happiness index. Continue reading to learn how to beat stress and remain happy moms. Click below on the link to take you to my free Everlasting Happiness Newsletter.
We live in a wonderful time, full of experience and opportunity. However, amongst the great freedom we enjoy, we suffer from increased stress, especially as parents, and a feeling of continually having to keep up with the Jones’s. This push will eventually seep us of our carefree happiness and rob us of our desire to be happy moms. Living life is hard enough without the added pressure to be the perfect mother, providing our children with just the right amounts of structure, flexibility, discipline, and leisure.
Everyone has input for parents, everyone has advice and council galore to help us along our journey. Articles, blogs, books, even entire TV shows are dedicated to guiding parents in the right direction. This is all a tremendous help and support, and we all know there are a ton of parents who desperately need this, but where does all this “help” leave us? My understanding is that many mothers now feel they must always live up to these standards and display perfect parenting techniques at all times or else they’ll be harshly judged and found wanting.
Not only is this a concern but many mothers also feel pressure to put on a happy face and give the appearance of loving motherhood completely and eternally regardless of whatever mishap may be taking place with their children. This is ridiculous! Yet true. I have listened to many mothers share this exact sentiment, they feel a need to pretend motherhood is the key to happiness, the best way to raise your happiness index, the only way to experience everlasting bliss and joy. Well, yes, motherhood can and does offer all of these feelings, but not all the time. Motherhood is not always pretty or fun or even desirable.
The expectation mothers may have of being a perfectly happy, perfectly content, perfectly suited mother is unrealistic. My parental advice to anyone experiencing this unattainable longing for perfection or to anyone suffering from societal pressure to be the perfect parent is to find (quickly!) someone you can be real with, someone you can let your guard down with, someone who will not raise a judgmental finger at you.
The key to happiness is to feel comfortable in our own skin. If we cannot find a kindred spirit to be ourselves with we will never truly be happy moms. We need an ally, a buddy, a BFF who will let us express our emotions and better yet, understand and relate to them. Motherhood is not all roses and butterflies. Motherhood is jam-packed full of every single emotion in existence. We feel it all. We experience it all, highs and lows and everything in between. We need to rely others who realize this and will let us relax and share our negative feelings when they arise.
I love being a mother, yet there are plenty of times my kids drive me completely crazy and I have no idea what to do with them, or myself in order to regain my happiness and some semblance of control. Why is it so difficult for some parents to admit this? Why do some mothers pretend to find enduring and all consuming happiness from their children every second of every day? This is never going to happen so please do not try to relay this to the world. You will still be accepted and liked by others even if you feel like an utter failure at times. You are not alone.
So release the pressure to be perfect and allow yourself to be human. Strive towards perfection, sure, but know you will make mistakes along the way, and this is ok. Your happiness will surely increase and you will be much happier as a mom.
There is so much more to discover in this journey to everlasting happiness. This is just the very beginning. To learn more about how you can be happy as a woman and happy as a mother every day, sign up for my Everlasting Happiness Newsletter at It’s FREE!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Automatic Soap Dispenser, Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser, Touchless Soap Dispenser, Buy Shower Soap
Even just the simple act of washing your hands goes a ways in shielding your family against a number of communicable sicknesses at home, at college and at work. By frequently practicing correct hand cleanliness, you are not only guarding yourself but also stopping the dissemination of many illnesses-such as the common cold and even more serious diseases like meningitis, hepatitis and diarrhea-from one relation to another.
Always remember the cardinal rule of washing your hands when prepping food, before eating, after using the rest room, when changing diapers, after handling pets and blowing ones nose. When your folks makes contact with germs, they can unknowingly contract an infection just by touching any part of their body. When done properly, hand washing is a simple yet effective tool to avoid becoming sick.
encourage your family to get into the habit of hand washing with the hands free soap dispenser. This motion activated soap dispenser uses an infrared sensor for hand detection. Simply wave your hands under the spout and the hands free soap dispenser automatically doles out just the correct quantity of liquid soap.
plus, with the hands free soap dispenser's unique no-drip technology and built-in sensor lockout that hinders random dispensing, you can eliminate waste and keep counters clean from excess residue. It's a great motivator and an ideal tool for teaching the more youthful ones, and yes, even adult men, to practice regular hand washing.
If you are like me, with a big family, then Automatic Soap Dispenser is an essential item to buy. I found this site Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser that has a huge selection to choose from. Make sure you stop by and check it out.
as it is automatic, there is no longer any need to touch the top layer of any dispenser especially those situated in public areas. This nifty touch-free gizmo is more convenient but importantly, guarantees a lesser risk for the transmission of perilous germs.
You can find the hands free soap dispenser situated in heavily populated public areas such as restrooms within malls, airports, infirmaries and restaurants. You won't ever know what is occurring outside, but you can keep your familys hands germ-free by protecting your own house and getting your own hands free soap dispenser. Excellent for kitchen and bath, strategically place the hands free soap dispenser near the sink area so they can always be reminded to clean their hands.
With a selection of chrome steel designs to match any kind of home interior, you may be certain that the hands free soap dispenser is not just highly functional but also awfully sleek and classy.
Automatic Soap Dispenser, Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser, Touchless Soap Dispenser, Buy Shower Soap
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Friday, July 12, 2013
Chicken pox in babies
Chicken pox is a children' s disese, however it is very unlikely that a child who has not yet had his/ her birthday develop chicken pox. While in the womb, the fetus will receive antibodies from his/ her mother to protect him/ her against the virus that causes chicken pox. This is the reason why, at least in his/ her first year of life, chicken pox will not develop. However, there have been cases of chicken pox even in children under one year old, but they are extremely rare. Furthermore, if babies under one will develop chicken pox, this will be a very mild condition.
At the age of one, babies will receive a vaccine against chicken pox. This vaccine will not prevent your child from ever getting chicken pox, but it will make the disease a lot milder. If your baby will get chicken pox, red, tiny, itchy bumps will be your first clue. In a couple of day' s time, there bumps will change into blisters filled with fluid, which will eventually dry and fall off. As the chicken pox progresses, new waves of blisters will appear on your child' s body. The areas that are affected by chicken pox are mostly the face, back and abdomen, but the rash may appear all over his/ her body as well. Some babies will have more than three hundred blisters on his/ her body, whereas other will only have a few. Chicken pox cases can be different from a baby to another. Furthermore, flu symptoms are some of the first signs that your baby may develop chicken pox.
When your baby has chicken pox, he/ she will be very tired and have a little fever. It is also possible that a runny nose or a cough may appear a couple of days before the chicken pox rash appears. This disease lasts about one week.
Chicken pox is very contagious, so if your baby has been near a person that suffered from this disease, then he/ she is likely to have been infected with the chicken pox virus. If your baby is healthy, then chicken pox does not pose any threats whatsoever. However, there are cases, very rare though, when babies can develop complications from chicken pox. Skin infections, encephalitis or pneumonia may be the result of chicken pox. This is the reason why you should see a doctor as soon as the first signs of chicken pox appear.
For more information about symptoms of chicken pox or even about chicken pox virus please review this page
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Toddler Parenting Advice : How to Toilet Train Your Toddler
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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Thursday, July 11, 2013
Conceive Naturally After 40 - Top 5 Tips On How To Fall Pregnant
Falling pregnant after 40 can be challenging for some women. This can be due to a complex web of factors. At BumpFertility we believe that the most important factor in preparing for a healthy pregnancy at any age is to stay as healthy as possible. As a woman close to or after 40yrs, it's true that you may have a few more challenges ahead of you than a woman below 35yrs would. Those challenges may include some of the following factors:
- A higher likelihood of having pre-existing medical conditions that may lower your fertility
- A more challenging time conceiving naturally
- A higher possibility of miscarriage
- A greater risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities
- A greater risk of complications during delivery
However, the odds are still in favor of a healthy pregnancy even with these challenges, as long as you take good care of yourself and get appropriate care. So understanding what you can do to improve your pre conceptive health to reduce your risks will help you give yourself the best possible chance at conceiving after 40!
Is your body Baby Ready?
The best place to start is with a full Health and Hormone Assessment. This will uncover the areas that we need to work on and provide dietary guidance, nutritional recommendations and herbal support to work on those areas that may be decreasing your chances of falling pregnant naturally.
Conditions such as:
- Immune System Imbalance
- Liver Function
- Nutritional status
- Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOS)
- Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Thyroid Imbalance
- Hormonal imbalances
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Thyroid Imbalance
... Are all important considerations when planning to fall pregnant after 40.
Take my FREE Fertility Health Check To Find Out If You're At Your Fertile Best
The most important thing you can do, before you try to get pregnant, is to consult with your health care provider to assess any existing health conditions that might affect a pregnancy.
This is one of the reasons why my program is so unique, because we offer a full referral service if we feel that further testing is necessary.
Undiagnosed or untreated hormonal imbalances and medical problems can have a significant impact on the safety of a pregnancy.
Medications that you take for a chronic condition also could affect a pregnancy. So it's important that you consult your GP before falling pregnant if you are taking medications.
My pre-pregnancy Health and Hormone review and Natural Fertility program can help you optimize your body for fertility before you try to conceive.
Unfortunately, a woman's chance of conceiving starts to decline gradually as she reaches her mid-30s and this decline in fertility becomes more significant in the years beyond 40. This is normally because the quantity and quality of eggs diminishes and the possibility of problems with ovulation increase. The good news is, herbs, nutritional supplementation and dietary changes tailored to your hormonal profile dramatically increase your odds of conceiving naturally.
Although your chances of conceiving are lower now than they would have been in your 20s or 30s, there are several things that you can do to maximize your chances of conceiving in your early 40s.
If you have normal menstrual cycles and you want to conceive naturally, then it is important to get your body "baby ready".
My fertility program is designed to identify areas that need improvement and prepare your body for optimum fertility.
As a basic rule, the healthier you are, the healthier your pregnancy will be. This is why it is important to focus on the very best dietary and lifestyle advice available. My fertility program is based on the most current and advanced clinical and nutritional research.
There is a wealth of scientific data accumulating that demonstrates how important acid/alkaline balance is for fertility longevity. Unfortunately, optimizing your fertility is not as straight forward as eating your leafy greens, drinking water and taking folate!
By taking good care of yourself, working closely with your health care provider, and maintaining some flexibility along the way, your prospects for having a happy, healthy baby are excellent.
Top 5 Tips on How to Conceive Naturally after 40
Step 1. Identify what's impacting upon your fertility - including hormones so you can conceive naturally after 40.;postID=3377651501416016733;onPublishedMenu=basicsettings;onClosedMenu=basicsettings;postNum=9;src=postname
Step 2. Learn what foods are triggering hormonal imbalances causing lowered fertility.
Step 3. Implement a natural and targeted nutritional treatment plan designed to balance hormones and help you to conceive naturally after 40.
Step 4. Introduce targeted natural remedies to restart your fertility.
Step 5. Provide access to a professional support network that will guide and help you to change unhealthy lifestyle choices and implement a long term treatment to work towards optimal fertility. Giving you every possible chance of conceiving naturally at 40!
Give me a call 1300 133 536 to get started!
20 Everyday Things That Can Dramatically Affect Your Fertility Click Here
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Welcoming a New Baby with a Personalized Baby Gift
Is there anything as blessed as the arrival of a new baby? It is only natural to want to give a gift that is as special and memorable as this exciting time. One of the easiest ways to make a gift as special as the baby whose birth it celebrates is to choose a personalized gift to welcome the new life in our midst.
Personalized baby gifts are especially popular with new parents because they commemorate the care and love that the parents put into choosing the perfect name for their precious bundle of joy. Even a gift as simple as a wall plaque will be greatly appreciated because of the addition of the new baby’s name. If you are looking for a truly special personalized gift for a new baby, here are a few tips for making new baby gifts even more memorable.
One of the most classic new baby gifts is a pewter cup and spoon. A silver cup engraved with the new baby’s name is destined to become a family heirloom, but you can make it even more special by adding a few personal touches. Have the cup engraved with the baby’s full name and date of birth, and tuck some special keepsakes inside the cup before you give it. Put together a collection of crystals that represent your wishes for the child’s life (amber for intelligence, citrine for wealth and happiness, quartz for protection and clarity) and gather them up in a circle of tulle tied with a ribbon. Include a handprinted card explaining the significance and be assured that your gift will never be forgotten.
A personalized photo album is another classic new baby gift. Make your gift more special by adding the first few photos. It is easier than ever today with cell phone cameras. Make a point of getting photos with mom and dad together; the kind of photos that are hard to come by in the family album when either mom or dad is usually taking the pictures. Choose an album with a photo cover so you can insert the best photo you have of the new precious one and start the collection off right.
If you happen to be a family member or have access to mom and dad’s parents, you can add a truly personal touch to a photo album. Add mom and dad’s newborn pictures to the very first page of the photo album along with the photo of the newborn baby and make it easy for all those who want to play “he looks just like YOU when you were born!”
“Useful gifts” sometimes seem boring, but there are some baby accessories that mom and dad can always use. Blankets, for instance, are one thing that any new parent will tell you they never have enough of. Don’t just give a baby blanket, though, a beautifully made honeycomb baby blanket takes on the status of a family heirloom when you have it embroidered with the newcomer’s name and date of birth. Add a matching baby bottle and bib for a useful gift that will become a lasting memory.
When you choose a gift for the baby’s nursery, you are choosing a gift that will be seen every day, and become part of the baby’s memories forever. Wall plaques and picture frames are ever popular choices that are made even more special by the addition of the baby’s name and birth date. Cross stitch samplers are among the most popular new baby gifts, but if you do not have time or talent to cross stitch your own baby name memory, there are many beautiful wall plaques and embroidered wall hangings that can be personalized for you.
Beyond the nursery wall, there are other personalized gifts that babies and parents will love and appreciate. Stuffed animals and plush toys are another very popular baby gift chances are that mom and baby will come home from the hospital with a dozen or more teddy bears and little pink and blue kittens and puppies. Make an impression with a different kind of stuffed animal; choose an adorable stuffed elephant with the baby’s name embroidered on his little pink ear.
Of course, there is always clothing, and babies certainly receive plenty of clothing gifts. Choose a different and unusual gift that will really stand out in a crowd like a pair of long johns in a bright primary color, with the baby’s name embroidered across the drop-hatch so you will always know who is crawling away. Absolutely adorable on their own, Grover, Cookie Monster, Diego or Dora can be added to the long-johns to make even more of an impression.
When choosing a gift for a new baby, always remember to check with the new mom and dad first to see if there is anything that is especially needed, or particularly unwanted. Once you decide what kind of gift to give, take a look at the special ways to personalize your gift and make it a lasting memory.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Pregnancy Symptom - Understanding The Sign Of Pregnancy
Missed period is the most commonly known pregnancy symptom. Even if the period arrives but if the bleeding takes place is less than the normal then it may also be considered a sign of pregnancy. However, unless you go to your doctor for a checkup and a blood test is performed there is no sure early pregnancy symptom. Still, in addition to the missed period there are several signs that can be considered as the pregnancy symptom. Let us try to understand what are these signs so that we can take complete care for the pregnancy health.
Backache, Constipation And Change In The Color Of Areola
Backache is one pregnancy symptom that is also very common to almost all the pregnant women. Along with the backache most of the pregnant women also make complaint regarding constipation. There are two main reasons for the constipation. The first reason is the changes in the hormone secretion and the second one is growth in the size of the uterus. This grown uterus presses the bowels resulting in the constipation. Similarly, color of the areola is also an early indicator of the pregnancy. If the color of the areola or the nipples of the breast is darkened then we can assume that the woman is pregnant. In fact, this is a pregnancy symptom that appears within one week of the conception.
Feeling Of Sleepiness, Increased Frequency Of The Urination And Developed Sense of The Taste And Smell
Another pregnancy symptom that may appear anywhere between one to six week of the conception is the feeling of the sleepiness. This pregnancy symptom continues for the rest of the pregnancy period. One more pregnancy symptom that appears after the 6 to 8 week of the conception is increased frequency of the urination. Hormonal changes in the body are again responsible for more frequent urination. However, one more reason responsible for this is increase in the pressure on the bladder. Power of the senses of smell and taste of the pregnant women also increases considerably.
One more very common pregnancy symptom is nausea and vomiting showing up after two to ten weeks. However, degree of nausea varies widely from person to person. For some pregnant woman this may be just a mild nausea feeling while to some it may result in full fledged vomiting. This is more popularly known as morning sickness. However, it may occur at any time during the day. In most of the cases it is observed that the size of the breasts of the pregnant women increases. They also start feeling a little bit of the tenderness in the breasts. Experts explain it as the preparation of the body for the breastfeeding.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Unusual Baby Shower Party Ideas For a Lively Celebration
Gone are the days of Aunt Tilly ooing and awing over cute little baby booties. New Mothers-to-be are spicing up the traditional showers to include more entertaining games and activities, including roping the dad-to-be into the fun!
Baby showers were traditionally held for women only. These days, it is more acceptable (and common) to hold couples showers.
Baby showers can be held at any time of day and can either be a surprise or involve the mom-to-be in the planning process.
Activity Ideas
Who said baby showers have to be boring? Here are a few ideas to liven up your celebration:
*Is the mom-to-be known for any particular hobby or activity? How about an all-inclusive activity such as bowling or based on her interests such as a natural history museum.
*Baby predictions theme. Will the baby be a boy or girl? A football star or Tasmanian Devil? Use a fortune telling theme complete with palm readings and crystal balls.
*Pamper the mom-to-be. You can pamper her with a day at the spa complete with manicures, pedicures, and massages. It can take place at the spa itself, or create a pajama party for in-home pampering.
*Create a time capsule to be opened in five years. Include some of her cherished pre-baby items and a questionnaire about what she thinks motherhood will be like. Make a video of the party to include in her time capsule.
*Videotape funny parenting advice for the couple.
Activity Ideas
Think blue or pink if you know the baby's gender. If not, yellow or mint green can be used. Think rattles, ducks, pacifiers, baby footprints, storks, etc.
Activity Ideas
Light and easy to eat finger foods go over well. Try wraps, veggies, meat and cheese trays, and salads.
Have a sensational celebration!
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Saturday, July 6, 2013
Reasons for Bleeding during Pregnancy
Some basic things to know about bleeding are:
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication. Bleeding can be caused by a number of reasons.
Some basic things to know about bleeding are:
* If you are bleeding, you should always wear a pad or panty liner so you can monitor how much you this bleeding and what type of bleeding you are experiencing.
* You should never use a tampon or introduce anything else into the vaginal area such as a shower or sexual relation if you are currently experiencing bleeding.
* If you are experiencing other symptoms mentioned below about a possible complication, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately.
First half of pregnancy:
Bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage but does not mean that miscarriage is imminent. Approximately half of pregnant women do not have miscarriages. Approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies results in miscarriage and most occur during the first 12 weeks.
Samples of miscarriage include:
* Vaginal bleeding
* Hindering the pain felt low in the stomach (stronger than menstrual cramps)
* Tissue that passes through the vagina
Most miscarriages can not be prevented. They are often the body's way of dealing with a pregnancy that did not become unhealthy. A miscarriage does not mean you can not have a future healthy pregnancy or that you are not healthy.
Women are at higher risk if they have:
* An infection in the tubes
* A previous pregnancy
* Previous pelvic surgery
What are common reasons for bleeding in the first half of pregnancy?
Since bleeding that occurs in the first half of pregnancy is so common (20-30%), the causes are besides some of the complications already mentioned. Bleeding can occur in early pregnancy due to the following factors, in addition to the above complications:
* Some type of infection in the pelvic cavity or urinary tract can cause bleeding.
* After relation some women may bleed because the cervix is very soft and sensitive. You should continue relation until your doctor has seen. This can prevent future irritation over having normal sexual relation does not cause a miscarriage.
Second half of pregnancy:
Common conditions of minor bleeding include an inflamed cervix or growths on the cervix. The latest bleeding may pose a threat to the health of the woman or the fetus. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any bleeding in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.
Placental abruption:
Vaginal bleeding can be caused by the placenta separates from the uterine wall before or during labor. Only 1% of pregnant women has this problem, and usually occurs during the past 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Samples of placental abruption:
* Indent
* Stomach pain
Women who are at higher risk for this condition include:
* Already having children
* Is age 35 or older?
* Have had abruption before
* Have sickle cell anemia
* High blood pressure
* Trauma or injury to the stomach
* Use of cocaine
Herbal Supplements for Bleeding hemorrhoids and Natural Remedies for bleeding piles.
Pregnancy and Medicines
Are Medications During pregnancy Safe?
Let's take a closer look at specific illnesses that commonly arise during pregnancy and what the commonly believed safe medications may be.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Top Ten Tips to Naturally Cure Male Impotence! Forget the Medication and the Side-Effects!
Did you know that men who suffer from impotence are generally more likely to suffer from depression?
In fact, impotence or erectile dysfunction can cause stress and anxiety at home, in relationships and even at work. Unfortunately, in America alone, male impotence affects almost 30 million men. Surveys say, men who suffer from impotence have reported the following: lower self-esteem, relationship turmoil, less motivated at work, embarrassment, feeling ashamed and poor self-image. Still unfortunately, the list could go on for those who suffer from this problem. Fortunately, there is GOOD news! You can be cured if you take the proper steps Guaranteed!
Let's first understand the problem!
What is the Cause of Male Impotence?
For beginners, erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection for a consistent period of time. Do not be alarmed if you or a loved one is occasionally unable to achieve an erection; this is quite normal. For an erection to occur, the male genital needs both an adequate inflow of blood and a slowing of blood outflow. Various disorders, diseases and causes can create a scenario for impotence but here is a general list for those who suffer from an erectile dysfunction.
Possible Causes for Male Impotence:
1. No exercise: Men who do little activity are prime candidates for impotence.
2. Over weight: Men who have a high Body Mass Index (BMI) are also likely to suffer from impotence. If you want to know your BMI, simply Google BMI and you can check your body fat.
3. Depression: Depression affects mind, body and sex life!
4. Stress: Any stress is bad stress and could possibly be your impotence problem.
5. Sickness: If your body is taken care of, you would be surprised of the outcomes!
6. Atherosclerosis: Plaque in the arteries caused from bad diet, obesity or genetics will create less blood flow to you know where!
7. Diabetes: Diabetics and overweight typically run hand-and-hand with impotent men.
8. Alcohol or drug abuse: Drugs such as antidepressants, sedatives, and antihypertensives have been known to contribute to impotence.
9. Stokes, prostate surgery or hormonal imbalance have also been known to be followed by impotence.
Impotence Treatments have Harsh Side-Effects
Various medical treatments increase blood flow to the genital region and will allow most men to have an erection. Obviously, these treatments are great for ending impotence for the time being. But wait! Numerous treatments have side-effects that can actually do more harm than good! Some of the side-effects related with drug treatments include: liver dysfunction, increased risk of stroke, enlargement of prostate, headaches, upset stomach, vision problems, low blood pressure, anxiety, shaking, rapid heart rate, and raise in blood pressure. Many of these side-effects can be scary if not deadly. No Thank You!
A Natural Cure for Impotence
Did you know that impotence is a health problem that can be cured naturally? In most cases, impotence is caused by a high-fat diet that can block the blood flow that causes erections. However, there are also other causes which we stated earlier. At Barton Publishing Inc., we are completely convinced that you can cure impotence naturally that we have a 100% risk-free guarantee on all our products. In fact, we would love to get you started today with Top Ten Tips to Naturally Cure Male Impotence!
Top Ten Tips to Naturally Cure Male Impotence.
1. Low-fat is Key! Lower your fat intake to less than 60 grams per day! Stay away from processed foods, fast food and desserts to reverse impotence.
2. Cholesterol is the Culprit! Cholesterol clogs arteries and allows less blood flow to you know where! Stay away from animal and animal product foods.
3. Start exercising today! Take a 15 minute walk, clean the garage, or mow the lawn! Whatever your method, you need to slowly and gradually start exercising. If you start slow enough, you will eventually like it!
4. Meals! Start eating a well balanced breakfast as well as a well balanced lunch. Try to keep your dinners light.
5. Take a Multi-Vitamin! You will have more energy (hopefully to exercise more) and you will get your vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
6. Fruits and Veggies! Load up with FRESH fruits and vegetables at your grocery store and see how fiber cleans out your system! That is a good thing!
7. Vitamin A for A+! "Vitamin A deficiency has been the cause of impotence in some men," says Elson Haas, M.D., author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition.
8. Moderate Caffeine! Caffeine is a stimulant and can actually cause stress! Moderate the colas, coffee and chocolate.
9. Early Bird gets the worm! Rise early and keep a sleeping schedule with at least 8 hours of sleep.
10. Ginkgo for Go! The herb ginkgo, found in most health food stores, will improve blood flow and will reverse impotence. Give Ginkgo a few weeks to work its magic!
Finally, do not stop here! This is only a slice of what you should know about impotence and how you can naturally cure it.
This is just the beginning
At Barton Publishing Inc., we wish you luck as you naturally treat impotence. It can be done so please do not give up! In fact, we would love to help you avoid all the problems impotence brings and get your sex life back ASAP! That is why we offer a no-questions-asked, no-hassle, 100% guarantee on our natural remedy for curing impotence. We are that confident that our remedy will work for you! Please take a minute and check out our site and see what others are saying about us!
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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Thursday, July 4, 2013
Potty Training Beginnings (The Baby Book)
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Dog Birthday Party Ideas
This is Jake's own story, as he sees his world!
I can’t remember much about my very young life, but my own story really started at around about 14 weeks, when this very nice couple came to where I was living, looking for a puppy. All I remember is sitting in the corner of the kennel, while four young lady puppies rushed over to say “Hello”. They were very pretty blue merle collie pups and I was just a plain old “black and white” Border collie. I was thinking to myself “No-one will ever want me” and was resigned to a lonely life in my corner. However, to my amazement, I was the puppy they picked up to hold.
“Right”, I thought “I’m going to make the most of this and hope that they take me home with them”, so I snuggled in as tightly as I could and gave them a big wet kiss. That turned out to be a winning move on my part, because that's when my own story started for real and they took me home with them.
I was determined it would be a decision they would never regret and decided from that day on to be the best friend anyone could have asked for. When we arrived at the house, where my new “Mom and Dad” lived. I felt a bit lost sitting on the kitchen floor all by myself, with no other puppies around to play with. But as the months went by I became more accustomed to the surroundings and started to enjoy my little life.
“This is the place for me” I thought “There’s plenty of open space to run around in, shadows to chase and even things with feathers on that fly away when you get near”.
I did have a few hiccups though, when it became time to learn how to walk on one of those lead thingies I wasn’t too keen at first! In fact I tried very hard not to give in, but as you can guess, I did!
As time passed, I had done everything from digging holes in the flowerbeds, helping with the “unplanting” of flowers and just managing to avoid falling into the fishpond, I reckoned my new life was going to be great.
When I was about mmm!, let me think about this ohhh! I guess I must have been about 12 months old, everything in the house was being packed away in boxes. “What’s goin’ on here?” I thought to myself “Which box is mine?”. It turned out my own story was about to continue from a new home near the coast...
What a great place that was. So many places to have a good old romp amongst the heather, plus there was this place called “the beach”. Wasn’t too sure about it at first, as I got my feet wet, which was something that I didn’t like at all (at first). But after going a few times, I began to realise that it wasn’t such a bad place. I could run and run and not really get anywhere, but that didn’t matter.
Then one day much to everyone’s surprise, I decided to be brave and charged off into the water... Yippee!, I’ve got more than my feet wet now. “Hey, this is fun” I thought “I can actually swim”. I looked forward to being taken to the beach more and more as time passed.
However, after a couple of years everything was being packed in boxes again. Here we again, I thought, where are we off too this time? Didn’t have long to wait. We moved to another house, but still near the sea.
I am nearly 6 years old now, (I think!) and I am sure I have been a constant source of amusement to “Mom and Dad” I reckon they have got a file full of photos and lots of fond memories... so far that is!
Life has been very good for me, so a great big wet-nosed thank-you to my “Mom and Dad” for picking me and taking me home with them that day. All I want to do now is to grow old with them, update my own story, from time to time and enjoy our lives together for many years to come...
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013
5 Tips On Raising Your Newborn Child
Having a baby is one of the most beautiful things that could happen in a parent’s life. Yet, it is also challenging. Raising your newborn child is not easy. It takes a lot of effort and patience to nurture your child until he or she reaches the stage of complete development. Though some of the time this task is can be quite challenging, the joys certainly outweigh any negatives. Here are some suggestions for successful baby nurturing:
1. Feeding
Breast milk is recommended for the first year of a newborn’s life. This is to give the baby the optimum sustenance to grow and progress. Generally speaking, the newborn child should be breastfed about 8 to 10 times a day during the baby’s first few weeks. As a parent, it is necessary that you know when your baby is getting the proper nourishment needed. Some indications that your baby is feeding well is when he or she is having four or more wet diapers a day or having a bowel movements 3 times or more a day.
2. Sleep
Don’t be surprised if your newborn child spends the majority of their time sleeping. It is common for infants to sleep most of the time, around 12 to 20 hours a day. When putting your baby to rest, it is advised by most doctors that you put your baby on his/her back, on a firm mattress. During cold weather, it is best that you dress your baby with warm pajamas to keep him warm rather than using a bedspread.
3. Bowel movements
Determining if your newborn child is having a bowel movement is easy. It is usually apparent when he starts to become quite hard to please, his face turns red, and he starts to cry and tends to move his legs. It is natural for newborn babies to pass a lot of gas so don’t be surprised if this happens often. If your baby is breastfeeding, it is quite normal that he will pass stools a couple of times a day. On the other hand, babies that are formula fed do not pass stools quite as frequently. Should you ever see any signs of blood in the stool of your baby, immediately give your baby’s physician a call.
4. Dressing your newborn
Providing your baby with the proper clothing is very important. Keep in mind that you should use clothing that is comfortable and appropriate. During cold season, you should clothe your baby with knit caps and booties. Though parents often want their baby to look fashionable, it is better not to overdress your newborn. Babies struggle to regulate their body temperature and therefore rely on layers of clothing to stay the right temperature.
5. Baby’s day out
Taking your newborn child can be fun. However, you need to consider when and where you can take your baby. Limit outings to nice days. It is important to keep your baby away from people with colds or any other form of illness. Also, avoid direct sunlight for this may harm your baby’s skin. In addition, avoid taking your baby to crowded places while your baby is only a couple of months old.
To sum it up, proper nurturing of your newborn child is a rewarding experience. You’re not only able to personally attend to your child’s needs, but you also get to enjoy quality time where you and your baby can bond together.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
When Do Most Miscarriages Occur? 5 Top Risk Time Periods
Q&A: When do most miscarriages occur? It is during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. An early miscarriage may be because of the age and health of mother or baby. The traditional advice from medical professionals to lower the miscarriage risk is: do not smoke, dot not drink alcoholic beverages, and do not use illegal drugs.
There is statistical evidence for when do most miscarriages occur in the first trimester. Medical studies support the idea that after the first trimester the risks are greatly reduced. The 5 top risk time periods for miscarriages are:
1. A Late Period. From ten to seventy-five percent of fertilized ovum may never implant in the mother's body. The statistic at the low percentage includes only diagnosed pregnancies. The high percentage is for late periods that are followed by a period with heavy flow, an early miscarriage.
2. Two Months. 2 missing periods and swollen breasts are the usual signs of pregnancy in this early stage. Getting to 8 weeks is a milestone, but the miscarriage risk is still high. At this time see your doctor, take good care of your self, drink lots of water, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
3. First Trimester. Eighty percent of miscarriages happen in the first three months. It is very unusual that a pregnancy loss is anyone's fault; up to this time the risks are related to the fragile condition of the mother's uterus and the egg. Successful pregnancies require almost perfect conditions.
4. Twenty Weeks. When do most miscarriages occur? Not after 20 weeks! Losing your baby after two and one half months is called either a still-birth or a neonatal death which is due to the baby being too underdeveloped to survive outside the womb. The risk of neonatal death or still-birth is about one half of one percent.
5. More than 24 Weeks. The overall miscarriage risk goes to 3% of total pregnancies after the second trimester. If you do miscarry at this time, ask your doctor about trying again after miscarriage.
If you are looking for more information on when do most miscarriages occur, you might be interested in guide on a natural approach to pregnancy. Click Here to read about miscarriage risks and miscarriages; it has helped many women conceive a child.
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Characteristics of Children According to Birth Order
First Born: First born children are born as natural leaders. They also tend to be perfectionists, reliable and conscientious people. First born children do not react well to surprises and can be aggressive, however are often people pleasers. Children who are first born have a strong need for approval by others. Examples of first born children include Oprah Winfrey, Peter Jennings, Rush Limbaugh and over half of all U.S.A presidents.
Only Child: Only children are similar to first born children. The characteristics in an only child however are typically three fold. They are even bigger perfectionists, are more responsible and tend to get along better with older people than individuals there own age. Examples of only children are Robin Williams, Natalie Portman, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frank Sinatra and Lauren Bacall.
Middle Child: The middle child is often the most difficult to stereotype. They are almost always guaranteed to be the opposite of their older sibling, but this can manifest in a variety of ways. Middle children typically feel as though their older sibling stole the spotlight from them, while their younger siblings could get away with murder. They tend to be secretive, more withdrawn and not prone to talk about their emotions. Since middle children feel as though they were overlook by their family they grow stronger connections with peers and are excellent people readers and peacemakers.
Last Born: The children who are born last tend to be outgoing, social butterflies. They are also the most financially unstable of all the other siblings since their primary interest is in having a good time. The youngest children of the family are often very charming, but can also be manipulative and spoiled. Examples of some babies of the family are Billy Crystal, Goldie Hawn, Drew Carey, Jim Carey and Steve Martin.
While these are typically characteristics of birth order, there are some exceptions such as a larger space between the children may allow for some crossing over of characteristics or if the first born is a girl and the next child is a boy he will have some first sibling characteristics since he was the first male child in the family. Deaths, adoptions and blended families can also have an effect on these characteristics.
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Monday, July 1, 2013
Camp Helps Kids Unplug from Media, Mom and Dad
I saw a “tween” recently in my therapy practice that I suspected might have some food issues. When I began asking gingerly about her eating habits she whipped out her cell phone to text her mother: “What do I usually eat for breakfast?” After a minute of messaging she turned her attention back to me to report the results of her inquiry.
Now, I’m sure this young girl could have answered my questions without electronically soliciting help from her mom. Yet her reflexive texting habit made stopping to think for herself entirely avoidable and regrettably so, because stopping to think is often when important insights occur. That’s why I leave a lot of space in therapy sessions for thought and contemplation on the part of the children I see.
Unfortunately, stopping to think is a behavior less and less common among teenagers and pre-teens. We all know the reason: instant Internet communication plays an increasingly dominant role in the lives of ever-younger children.
Virtual technologies are now entrenched in children’s daily routines. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation study found that adolescents spend 6.5 to 8.5 hours a day consuming online media. Online chatting, text messaging, social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter, and music and video channels such as iTunes and YouTube significantly reduce youngsters’ exposure to direct, interpersonal experiences.
Pushing the Pause Button
Technology is not inherently bad, of course, but the unprecedented consumption of rapid-fire electronic media makes time for uninterrupted, in-person engagement with peers and mentors all the more important to children’s intellectual, social and emotional growth. Faced with mounting pressures to perform in their classrooms, sports activities and social networks, adolescents, especially, need more opportunities to connect with one another on a genuinely personal level,
Among the best places for children to push the pause button on their electronically-driven, speed-of-light lifestyles are traditional, sleep-away summer camps. In simple, natural settings free of cell phones, iPods and Xboxes, children can hear the sound of their own thoughts more clearly and learn to use those thoughts to create new opportunities and solve youthful problems for themselves.
Away from the pervasive media that absorb so much of their daily attention, youngsters -- especially adolescents -- can concentrate on exploring new ways to be in the world, by practicing personal choice and decision-making independent of their parents. Camp offers kids “real” space and time opportunities to develop the self-awareness, self-confidence and human support systems required to succeed in an increasingly demanding young person’s world.
The Benefits of (Temporary) Parent-Child Partings
For parents, sending a child to an overnight camp requires letting go for a few weeks in order to foster the very real growth in maturity, self-confidence and self-concept that comes from living away from home, playing, working and learning among peers in a supportive community.
The short-lived separation is a sacrifice particularly worthwhile making, in today’s culture of “helicopter” parenting: children who rely primarily on Mom and Dad to instill a sense of self gain opportunities at camp to set their own goals and meet personal challenges head-on.
In my work with adolescents as a therapist, I often ask young clients how they know they are “good at something.” More often now than in the past, they say they “know” because their parents tell them so. These youngsters apparently lack the capacity to assess their personal capabilities and strengths through experiences all their own.
When my oldest daughter went off to camp for the first time at age eleven, I too worried that she would not get from it the boost in skills and self esteem I felt she “needed” to succeed in the competitive environment girls these days inhabit. But when her first letter home arrived in the (U.S.) mail, it was full of pride over the “glorious” experience she had had sailing a boat by herself, for the very first time.
I knew then that she had achieved something far greater than the ability to maneuver a Sunfish in the wind: She had developed her own internal sense of control and esteem — without her parents’ management. That accomplishment, and many others that followed in the course of a five-year camp “career,” taught her she has the capacity to navigate through life, making her own good decisions.
Preparations for an Adult-in-Progress
Participation in rich and affirming peer group traditions is another great benefit of unplugged, parent-free camp life, especially for children who return to the same camp summer after summer.
As parents, we do our best to maintain high quality and consistency in family life -- regular dinners at home, bedtime at a decent hour, spiritual growth and responsible participation in our communities. Yet our best efforts are sometimes countered by the fragmented nature of everyone’s work, school and leisure pursuits.
At camp, routines, roots and connections grow naturally out of places and practices sometimes generations in the making tents, cabins and lodges built before campers were born; songs, stories and ceremonies conceived in a previous century; camp moments that conjure a time when the world stood still and quiet.
From a therapeutic standpoint, these memories and moments are bankable.
I met a young woman of 19 recently while teaching in a training program for peer counselors at a local university. Why, she was asked, would she be good at helping freshman girls deal with roommate issues, body issues, performance issues, confidence issues, relationship issues? Because she had a wealth of experience from her many summers as a camper and counselor, she said.
Camp offered this woman an opportunity to meet new friends and mentors that became like a second family. For girls especially, camp was a welcoming environment where looks and clothing don’t count for much, but capability and caring did; when connecting with the real girl inside was more important than worrying about personal image on the outside.
Here was a successful adult-in-the-making, whose parents had the foresight to unplug her, ten or so years ago, from the preoccupations of a (somewhat less) wired child’s world -- and from themselves -- so she could slow down, pause, think, share, connect, engage, risk, participate and contribute in essential, not virtual ways, on her own ever-evolving terms.
Preparing For And Bringing Home A Second Baby
Your second pregnancy often brings with it hope of doubling the joy you felt when you had your first child. Most parents aim to have at least two kids and the kind of fulfillment the first baby brings to their family life eggs them to quickly have the second child.
However, do not base your judgments regarding whether or not you are prepared for a second issue on things which influenced you to bring home your first baby. Your life will change considerably in the gap between the first and second child and the sooner you recognize that fact the easier it is for you. Of course there are certain practical concerns here, your responsibilities have increased considerably since you became a father or a mother and bringing a new member into the family would definitely add to that. Also take into account that your first child will not be prepared to accept someone else into his little sphere of things, someone who will obviously take certain amount of the attention away from him, unless you work at preparing him.
Managing two children can be a rigorous task no matter how good you generally are with kids. You might be willing to dare it but you’d be best advised to set yourself up correctly prior to the arrival of the new baby. Dealing with a second child generally tends to be more demanding than dealing with the first. This is because most of us have busy schedules and with the coming of the first baby we try and tug and pull it into a shape which might suit us. With the second child therefore all the tugging and pulling causes our schedules to be stretched out to their elastic limit. Unfortunately new born infants have the least bit of consideration for adult specifications regarding schedules or timing. So make sure you are ready for fluctuating eating and sleeping routines at least for the first eight weeks after your baby’s birth.
The fact that you have done everything that you need to do with your first child once already helps a great deal. Your confidence level regarding what to do and what not to do is higher and you know little helpful details regarding his burping, feeding, peeing etc. This is a greater advantage than it seems. This means you won’t be paying heed to bogus advices given by your neighbors and friends and will take your own decisions if and when need arises. This of course reduces the anxieties of parenthood to a large extent.
The arrival of a new baby can often leave you thoroughly exhausted especially if you have had a cesarean delivery or a particularly traumatic childbirth. In case you are breast feeding be prepared to feel sore and tired especially after the nightly sessions. In case you feel fatigued consider hiring a ‘doula’ at least for the first few weeks. You can leave your baby with the doula during the day and take proper rest. don’t worry about your child’s well being; doulas are trained to deal with infants during the initial weeks of their lives.
Remember the coming of a new baby is a big change for the first child. He/she might experience a plethora of emotions during this time. If the first child is still young when your second one comes along stay alert for changes. He/she might start sucking their thumb with the arrival of the new child, or might now want to drink from a bottle or forget their potty training. If the first child is considerably older get ready for intense sessions of mischief, unusual tantrums and general attention-seeking behavior. You can of course keep these behaviors from surfacing at all if you just talk to the child before the birth of his sibling. Allow him/her to participate in your new found joy, let them hold the little child, spend time with him/her, cuddle and play and in general fall in love with the little one. All this will help him/her get used to the new member in the family.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Shit New Moms Say
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Washroom Services For Breastfeeding Mom�s
This can depend on so many things like how brave you are feeling, most mom’s feel there is still a stigma against feeding in public. Breastfeeding in public has become slightly more conventional with the invention of discrete top you can use to keep yourself covered up as much as possible and most people wouldn’t notice. However things like the weather can also affect breastfeeding, if it’s raining or cold you cannot feed the baby outside, you must find an indoor venue. It leaves some fairly bleak decisions like public toilets! Would you eat in there? Certainly not and yet in most places breastfeeding moms are forced to sit on a dirty toilet to feed the baby.
There are some lovely high street shops that do provide nice public toilets as well as good disabled facilities but here are a few that have gone the extra mile and have provided rooms for nursing mom’s and bottle feeding mom’s to come sit and take care of their baby whilst out and about.
Some places claim to be baby friendly but have their feeding room doubling up as a changing room, and as most of us don’t tend to eat where we use the toilet, why should a baby? Washroom services need to improve for feeding mothers in general and provide a heating unit for bottle feeds and food, decent bins that are checked regularly, comfortable feeding chairs and other chairs for non feeding people and keep the changing units in a separate room, providing a strong clean unit to change on and a place to wash hands.
The three best high street shops for feeding facilities in the UK are as follows: Mothercare’s larger store are usually very well facilitated for babies, obviously, but they have a room with heating units and comfortable seats for feeding mom’s as well as separate clean changing units. M&S are also one of the best stores for washroom services and nursing rooms available for mom’s looking to feed. John Lewis is another good washroom provider for great comfortable facilities, privacy and feeding friendly rooms.
Some large family oriented entertainment parks will also have feeding rooms as well as changing facilities, but checking first can always be a good way to take the stress out of getting out and about. Plan in advance where you will go for the feed, call them first and ask a staff member about the room in question.
Breastfeeding is a life giving wonderful thing, but it shouldn’t take away mom’s freedom to go out in public and live a normal life. Hopefully these tips will keep mom’s from stressing about breastfeeding when on the go and encourage a better public service for feeding mom’s.
Harry is a business consultant and has had the opportunity to work with several different companies. In his career, he has seen the various companies and been employed by a single firm to take care of tasks such as public washroom services. For more information on the topics raised in this article visit City Healthcare.
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